Friday, April 22, 2011

Salubrion Enso Pearl

The Enso Pearl was designed to be the ultimate timer. Use it for your meditation, yoga, or reiki session or during therapy, teaching or traveling. Salubrion created an innovative method for conveying time using the Japanese Enso. Enso, which means circle in Japanese, symbolizes enlightenment, elegance, and the universe. Traditionally, the enso is painted with a single clockwise brushstroke. The Enso is gradually brushed on-screen as time progresses. You can glance at the Enso and see the relative amount of time that has elapsed, eliminating the distraction of focusing on the exact numerical time that remains. The Enso Pearl features Interval Timing in which you can create sequential timers that run one-after-the-other to compose an overall session. Set a custom sequence that mirrors your personal practice to guide you. The Enso Pearl also features a new Repeat Timing function for multiple repetitions of a single timer. You may also count-up like a stop watch with the Enso Pearl. Th..


  • Visually communicates the passing of time with the Enso Ring
  • Creates a soothing sound that gently awakens or alerts you
  • New Timer features Interval, Repeat, and Stopwatch modes. Time in Hours, Minutes, and Seconds.
  • Convenient zippered carrying case included
  • Lighweight and highly portable for travel anywhere in the world

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